Saturday 26 September 2015

Boeing 787 : A dream come true


Its a plane which will make you feel of your dreams coming true. Inside the flight one will not be able to hear the outside noise. The mood lighting inside the cabin makes you feel comfortable to sleep & also helps you avert jet lag. Its aerodynamically very efficient & glider type plane. It is fuel efficient.  There are 3 variants of 787(-8,-9,-10) out of which only -8 & -9 are currently operational.
The major differences between all the models is fuselage length, capacity and range. The more the capacity & length the less is the range.

787 Mood Lighting

Wing In Air(BA-36)

Wing while Landing(BA-36)

787 Wing Analysis

The 787-9 was released in 2014. 787-10 will be released in 2018-2019. Its all new composite material used for building makes it more lighter and fuel efficient. The glider type wing design also helps in its efficiency

Key Attributes:

Wing Span= 197 ft 3 in
Fuselage:    Width: 18 ft 11 in (5.77 m)
                    Height: 19 ft 7 in (5.97 m)

Differences between the variants:

                                      787-8                                         787-9                                              787-10
Seating(2 class)           242                                             290                                                 330
Length                          186 ft 1 in                                   206 ft 1 in                                        224 ft
Range                           7,355 nmi                                   7,635 nmi                                        6,430 nmi 

787 Wing Flex Test

BOEING COMPLETED one of the more spectacular tests of the 787 Dreamliner program. The airplane maker completed the “ultimate-load wing-up bending test” using airframe ZY997, the test aircraft that is basically built to be tortured on the ground and never fly.
During the test, the wings on the 787 were flexed upward “approximately 25 feet” which equates to 150 percent of the most extreme forces the airplane is ever expected to encounter during normal operation. The test is used to demonstrate a safety margin for the design and is part of the certification process to show the airplane can withstand extreme forces.
Ultimate wing load testing is standard procedure for any new airplane design and has been done on aircraft large and small almost since the beginning of aviation. Often simple sandbags are placed on the wing of an aircraft to represent the maximum forces needed to be tested. Boeing and other large plane makers use elaborate testing structures (pictured above) that flex the wings to apply the necessary forces. In the past, Boeing has flexed the wing beyond the required 150 percent, and more than once the company has flexed the wings of a new design to the failure point.

Paris Airshow(787-9)

The best feature of this model of 787 is vertical takeoff. Its so spectacular that any person seeing it would become a fan of it. Its very smooth. The design of the 787 allows the plane to make vertical takeoff without stall. The best quality of it.

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