Saturday 12 September 2015

Receiver Connections for RC plane & Transmitter Controls

Both the ailerons and both flaps are connected using Y connector and the single output is sent into the receiver. 

Connection of electric plane without flaps.

Channel 1= Aileron
Channel 2= Elevator
Channel 3 = Throttle wire through ESC(for brushless motor)(this will only give the power input for receiver too)
Channel 4= Rudder

Connection of electric plane with flaps.

Channel 1= Aileron
Channel 2= Elevator
Channel 3 = Throttle wire through ESC(for brushless motor)
Channel 4= Rudder
Channel 5= Flaps.
Incase you have a gearing system then gear servo would be on Ch 5 and flaps on Ch 6

Connection of nitro plane.

Channel 1= Aileron
Channel 2= Elevator
Channel 3 = Throttle servo which controls the inflow of fuel into the engine.
Channel 4= Rudder
Channel 5= Flaps(if exists)

Battery would be connected to the battery channel provided on the receiver.

Transmitter Control(mode 2):

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